Book Review #20 What Could Have Been

What Could Have Been Author: Luke Melia Review 1 MM is all that takes to change destiny." The story revolves around two characters Dale & Haether. Initially the story is focused on Dale and his friends and his girlfriend on a vacation in Greece. Which makes the story quite stretched initially, but after 2 chapters the story starts to change its colours and shows what a mind blowing concept author has pulled off. The way the author has written this whole story is something this generation should learn from. The characters are rich and there is no such effort made to showcase their back stories which generally any writer would focus on while building up a story. The characters are fresh and have a genuine bond with each other. The conversation they had in between sounds so genuine that it looks like a reality. Though the concept is about a whole new life, these two characters live in such a short time and they both try to contemplate what just happened. The way there is a si...